Graphic Designs

This infographic was created for a game design class. The concept of this piece was to illustrate how free to play games make a profit in the mobile industry. I’m a huge Pokémon fanatic, and I would take every opportunity I get to express this passion.

During my time at University of Waterloo’s Center of Extended Learning, I was assigned to make a poster for a Health Studies course. This was one of my most complex illustration as it contains many different illustrations. After discussing with the client, I created each component separately and then proceed to overlay them with soft blending tones. In total, there is an estimate of 13 different illustrations in this poster.

This was the first project I created on Illustrator. The original concept art was created in Paint tool Sai, and then transferred to Illustrator to a vector based finishing.

This was my first attempt at an infographic. My manager at PACE Canada College approached me with the idea and he gave me complete creative freedom over the project. After 2 weeks of collecting data, finding colours, testing fonts and looking at examples, this was the final result.

Poster to a class at PACE Canada College. The illustration was created in Illustrator, and the textures were then added in Photoshop.

Poster to promote a special offer at PACE Canada College.

Cover picture of Fashion for Change annual fundraiser.

This is character model created for the Center of Extended Learning’s presentation.

During my Internship at Waterloo Center of Extended Learning, I was assigned to create character models for an animation. Here are the sample models.