After Effects Animation
Slow Rings
Program: Clip paint Studio , After Effects
Progress: (Still under production)
During my time in Hong Kong City U, I enrolled in an animation class that focused on created abstract animation that synced with audio work. The final term project was to create a short music video using any animation method of your choosing. The audio (Slow Rings) was provided by ISAN, an English electronic music duo.
In terms of a technical approach, I drew out all the animations by hand on a digital drawing software and transferred them onto After Effects for composition. Because the audio track has a very soft and calming tone, I tried to used brush stocks to create organic shapes and textures.
Program: Clip paint Studio , After Effects
Progress: Completed
Doll was created as an experiment to test out character animation in After Effects. I started with the illustration in Paint Tool Sai, and moved the model to After Effects.
2D Animation
Animation Fundamentals
Program: Clip paint Studio
Progress: Completed
Program: Clip paint Studio
Progress: Completed
Upcoming Project
This is a 2D animation project that I plan on completely in the upcoming weeks. The story follows a girl thinking waiting for her friend and reminiscing about the past. At the moment, only the character design and animatics has been completed.
Character Designs
Story Board
Animation: Susan Sun
Soundtrack: Austin Fisher